Programme participant in sewing class in Iraq. Photo: Women for Women International

Our blog

Discover inspiring stories from women around the world and learn more about our work supporting women in countries affected by war and conflict.

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2023 was a particularly challenging year for women survivors of war and conflict worldwide, with numerous ongoing and new crises impacting their lives. These global conflicts underscored the importance of our mission.

We're proud to share our impact with you, our global community, and are grateful for your steadfast commitment in helping us reach those who are often forgotten. 


Summer Reading: Celebrating Voices from Around the World

subtitle: Remarkable stories of courage and determination from conflict-affected countries

As we embrace the warmth of summer (sometimes metaphorically, depending on the weather!) we invite you to join us in exploring captivating narratives penned by talented female writers from around the world. 

This curated summer reading list celebrates the rich diversity of cultures, histories and personal experiences through the lens of authors from eight conflict-affected countries where we work.


Mawa and Jackline have been married for six years, living with their two children in South Sudan. Their marriage was on the brink of collapse when they were enrolled in our Couples Connect Pilot Programme.
Now, Mawa shares his story of transformation - and a heartfelt message to other men.


At Women for Women International, we understand that being asked to join an interview can be both exciting and daunting and want to support to feel confident and prepared. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, we're here to support you every step of the way.


Zeina Kanawati, originally from Damascus, Syria, now calls Berlin home.
After moving through various countries with her family to find safety, she has held onto recipes from Syria and shares traditional meals with her family and new community, keeping her culture and heritage alive even while she's away from her homeland.



The women we serve are all survivors of war or conflict – but far too many have survived violence against women as well. Despite the trauma, they continue to push for change. They rebuild their lives while working towards a brighter future for their children, and many become activists to drive wider, long-lasting change for their communities. In this blog we share the stories of five women, Nabintu from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mila from Ukraine and Grace, Hadiza and Joyce from Nigeria.


Behind every number is a human being - with hopes, dreams and fears. This World Refugee Week, learn and share the stories of three brave women.


The amount of forcibly displaced people has reached a staggering number—over 114 million according to UNHCR—and the number only continues to increase. This World Refugee Day, learn about the state of refugees today.


At Women for Women International, we know that with the right investment in their power, women around the world are capable of anything they set their minds to. Sometimes, we just need a little inspiration from others. 
