People’s Postcode Lottery

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People’s Postcode Lottery

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Players of People's postcode lottery support women survivors of conflict


Since 2017, players of People's Postcode Lottery have helped to transform the lives of thousands of women living in some of the most difficult, dangerous countries on earth.

This committed support has enabled us to deliver training programmes to thousands of marginalised women, equipping them with tools to earn an income, claim their rights and power, and build brighter futures after war or conflict. Funds raised by players enabled us to set up a new country office in northern Iraq to serve Syrian refugees and internally-displaced women fleeing ISIS. They have supported the adaptation of our Afghanistan programme to continue safely reaching women in need following the Taliban's takeover of the country. Players have also made critical investments in our Men’s Engagement Programme and advocacy work, helping to shift harmful social norms and create a more supportive environment for women to fulfil their potential.

Recent funding, awarded by Postcode Justice Trust, invests in the power of women in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria and South Sudan as they drive positive changes for themselves and their communities.

£4.875m Raised by players, awarded by Postcode Justice Trust

5,230 Women survivors of war served by December 2022

1 New country office established


Launching a new office

In 2017, thanks to funding from People’s Postcode Lottery, we were able to open a new country office in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to serve an initial cohort of 300 women displaced by the Syrian War and ISIS insurgency in Iraq. UNHCR estimates that 1 in 4 people in Northern Iraq is a refugee or internally displaced person (IDP).

Since its launch, the Iraq programme has continued to grow, connecting and empowering hundreds more marginalised women from different backgrounds - Syrian refugees, internally-displaced Iraqi women, and Kurdish women from the local host community. 

Now, players continue to support hundreds of women to enrol in our year-long training programme in Iraq. Their support is seeing women grow their skills, confidence and networks - so that they can support themselves and their families.

Women for Women International-Afghanistan participant holds up her crochet work - one of the skills women use to earn an income. Photo: Millie Harvey
Women for Women International-Afghanistan participant holds up her crochet work - one of the skills women use to earn an income. Photo: Millie Harvey


Standing with Afghan women

Even before the de facto government took control of Afghanistan in August 2021, extreme gender inequality combined with chronic poverty and decades-long conflict restricted women’s lives.

This was then compounded by the impacts of COVID-19, which further threatened fragile gains in women and girls’ access to education, livelihoods and healthcare.

Players began supporting our work in Afghanistan in 2020, raising funds to enrol 300 women in our holistic programme, which includes training in a vocational skill aligned to their local market – such as poultry farming, mushroom cultivation or tailoring – along with the basics of business management, so they can start to earn an income independently. As part of our Afghanistan programme, women are supported to form Self-Help Groups where they can build savings, access loans to grow their businesses, and provide each other with solidarity and encouragement as they grow their power.

A randomised control trial of our Afghanistan programme showed that participants were almost twice as likely to be earning money and 7 times more likely to have savings, compared to women who did not participate in our programme.

Now that the de facto government is tightening restrictions on women's freedoms, funds raised by players are supporting our sisters in Afghanistan to continue to grow their skills, confidence and networks with the help of a modified programme, which can operate safely under the new laws. 

Women in Afghanistan need this support more than ever. Their rights are on trial and the economic crisis in the country is worsening - but Afghan women still have hope, and they still have support from players of People's Postcode Lottery. 

Women in my community are now excited about our opportunities and what we’ve achieved. We’ve gained self-esteem and self-sufficiency.

Gul Jan, Women for Women International-Afghanistan programme graduate
Women for Women International-Nigeria programme participants attend a socially-distanced class. Photo: Women for Women International
Women for Women International-Nigeria programme participants attend a socially-distanced class. Photo: Women for Women International


Investing in local change-makers

In rural communities across northern Nigeria, women’s lives and livelihoods are threatened by Boko Haram's ongoing insurgency, alongside even deadlier inter-communal violence between farmers and herders over land. 39% of women participants in our programme in Nigeria report having relocated to their community from elsewhere in the country for safety. 

Funds raised by players of People's Postcode Lottery are providing marginalised women in northern Nigeria with practical skills and social support to overcome these extreme challenges and build stable, resilient futures for their families. Player support is enrolling women in our year-long training programme and investing in graduates' leadership and advocacy skills to take local issues to leaders and decision-makers. Funds have also supported educating the husbands/male family members of the women we serve on women's issues and potential, through our Men's Engagement Programme

Being in the programme has helped me to build friendships with women of other religions and tribes. We support each other emotionally and financially when we need it.

Zainab, Women for Women International-Nigeria programme graduate
A group of women enrolled in the Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme in Yei, South Sudan. Photo: Charles Atiki Lomodong
A group of women enrolled in the Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme in Yei, South Sudan. Photo: Charles Atiki Lomodong

South Sudan

Supporting women in instability

South Sudan is the world's youngest country. Since its independence, surges of civil war and violence have made it one of the most dangerous places. 

In 2022, funds raised by players enabled us to enroll women in our Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme in the country. Players are supporting women to learn a marketable skill, save, understand their rights and care for themselves and their families. Players' generosity also enables us to engage men in the community with women's issues, inspiring them to champion the rights of the women and girls in their lives and nation-wide.

Raising women's voices

Campaigns & Advocacy

In addition to supporting the delivery of life-changing training programmes, players of People’s Postcode Lottery have been instrumental in helping to raise the voice of the marginalised women we serve. Through our campaigns and media work, we’re committed to bringing the realities of women in conflict-affected countries to the world’s attention.
In a powerful article published by The Independent in June 2019, we were able to help elevate the voices of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who have been affected by sexual violence. Thanks to communications support from People's Postcode Lottery, our staff in countries affected by conflict, like Chantal  – our advocacy coordinator in the DRC – have been able to share their insights and expertise with an international audience.
Players have helped us deliver creative, impactful campaigns and community-building events like our #SheInspiresMe Live Festival. This awareness-raising work is essential to harnessing a global movement for gender equality and women’s rights.

Through Dada's Eyes


Players of People's Postcode Lottery enabled the production of our first-ever virtual reality 360° film: Through Dada's Eyes. 

Watch this film to experience a day in Dada's life - a woman enrolled in our Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme in Bauchi, Nigeria. Dada will invite you to see her home, meet her family and join a training session with other women in her group. Watch to witness the transformational power of player support in action. 

Listen to What Makes Us Stronger for free, available wherever you get your podcasts.
Listen to What Makes Us Stronger for free, available wherever you get your podcasts.


Supporting our podcast

What Makes Us Stronger is our podcast featuring the voices of courageous women who’ve lived through unbelievably difficult times in countries like Afghanistan, Syria and South Sudan. Host Nisha Singh, our Global Policy and Advocacy Manager, explores how these women took on new roles and found the strength to keep going.

Season 2 is brought to you thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery with funds awarded by Postcode Justice Trust in support of women survivors of war. 


Women for Women International- Democratic Republic of Congo programme participants graduating from our Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme. Photo: Ryan Carter
Women for Women International- Democratic Republic of Congo programme participants graduating from our Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme. Photo: Ryan Carter

The Democratic Republic of the Congo


Hundreds of armed militia groups operate in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), with little government intervention - killing and torturing civilians, destroying villages and spreading terror. Violence against women continues to be one of the country’s most devastating issues, while women also bear the brunt of economic insecurity.

Players supported our work with marginalised women in the DRC, enrolling over 1,000 marginalised women in our programme.

With players' support, women gained vital skills and knowledge to break free from poverty and improve their lives. In groups of 25, they learnt to earn and save, understand their rights, improve their health, and use their collective voice to change social norms. 

An independent two-year study focussing on four communities in South Kivu, DRC, found that women who participated in our programme were able to sustain measurable social and economic benefits, compared to those who did not take part in the training.

Specifically, women participants reported:

  • Increased earnings. Women who had been through the programme had weekly gross earnings 1.6 times higher than women in the group who did not receive the training during the same period.
  • Increased savings. Women’s average personal savings increased three-fold due to programme participation; meaning personal savings among programme participants were $15.30 compared to $5.20 among the control group who had not yet enrolled in the training.
  • Improved agency, self-confidence and decision-making. Women participants reported feeling more in control of their lives and being able to influence household decisions.

My savings group supports each other financially but also psychologically, if one of us is going through a bad time.


'We are all activists' film

Supporting our global campaign

In 2020, funds raised by players were used to deliver our global campaign for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, urging people to take action to tackle the 'shadow pandemic' of violence against women.

See more of players' impact over on our Instagram
