Nema's Story
My name is Nema
Nema is 33 years old and lives with her husband, two daughters and three sons. In 2016, conflict broke out in her hometown in South Sudan. Nema and her family became internally displaced but our programme is helping Nema rebuild her life.
Before the 2016 conflict, I had a good life. I was selling charcoal and daga fish at my home, and I also earned some money from agricultural activities from my village to support my children in school.
I was enrolled in the Women for Women International programme before I fled. I planted one acre of groundnuts that I planned to sell after harvest, but due to the conflict I could not harvest them. I did not have access to my farm due to insecurity and it affected my plans in agribusiness. I could not complete the programme because I fled.
During the conflict, I became more frustrated and stressed. I lost most of my property and I was separated from my husband.
I was left alone with my children.
Life became very hard. Feeding myself or my children was not easy. My village was not accessible and I became an internally displaced person with a limited piece of land for agribusiness. I lost my business capital, my children were not at school and I could only cultivate enough for home consumption. This made earning money very hard during that period.
When Women for Women International started its programme in 2019, I told them how I was interested in fulfilling my objective of becoming an entrepreneur by enrolling in the programme again. In the first six months of training, I was able to join the savings group and was nominated as treasurer of that group by the other group members.
After receiving the stipend for two months, I started a retail business at home where I was selling onions, daga fish, tomatoes, local coffee and cooking oil.

But my dream was to expand my business by adding more goods to attract my husband back home.
In 2020, I raised capital of 150,000 SSP (~ £225) from my small-scale business and savings. With some support from my husband to expand the business, it has grown. I sell a variety of goods like eggs, sugar, soap, tea leaves, beer, soda and more. I have a daily record of 15,000 SSP to 18,000 SSP (~ £22.50 to £27).
I can pay my children’s school fees now and I am reunited with my husband.
I have a plan to open a tea place that can add support to my business.
Thank you Women for Women International for giving me such knowledge on business skills and making me an entrepreneur today. I wish a programme like this could reach every woman like me!
Women for Women International's work in South Sudan is generously supported by players of People's Postcode Lottery.
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If someone had told me in the past that I would need to restart my life from scratch, I couldn't believe it. But that is what happened to me when I needed to flee to Poland with my son.