Nanbam is 40 years old. She lives in Pushit, Nigeria with her husband and five children. Nanbam joined the Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme in 2016, after hearing about it through her church. Before joining the programme, Nanbam sold second-hand clothes which earned a small amount of money.

During the programme, Nanbam chose piggery as her vocational skill. She saved up her stipend to purchase two pigs, which live in a small pen in her yard.
My plan is to fatten up the pigs, and then breed them. I want to produce lots of piglets! I will give some of the piglets to other women.

I want to help other women the way I have been helped. This was the essence of what I learnt at Women for Women International. They taught us to help others.

Our work in Nigeria
Women are stronger together, but they are facing multiple challenges in Nigeria. With limited access to health services and education, patriarchal norms, and mounting violence, Nigerian women struggle to gain economic opportunities and equality. Common discriminatory practices, amplified by extremist groups, subject women and girls to dangers, including forced early marriage and the possibility they will face violence for going to school.
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One of my friends told me about Women for Women International and how it provided training for women. That’s when I learned that I wasn’t alone in my suffering. There are other women, who have the same pain.
I know that I should take courage because I survived a hard situation. Every day, I have to wake up and pray and say, thank you God, for I’m still alive. It was hard but now I’m here.
subtitle: Bosnia and Herzegovina
The programme gave me the courage and the skills I needed. Other women encouraged me and gave me new ideas. I am proud to say I am a beekeeper. It gives me a lot of self-confidence.