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Faith is 33 years old. She is a widow with three daughters and lives in Plateau State, Nigeria.

Faith’s husband passed away after an illness. Because she has only daughters, her husband’s family will not allow her to inherit his possessions. They sometimes come to her house to take away items of any value, which they say belong to them by rights.

Being a single mother is very difficult. I am worried about our future, we might have to move back to live with my parents.

Faith with her three daughters. Photo credit: Monilekan
Faith with her three daughters. Photo credit: Monilekan

Faith enrolled in the Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme in 2016. “I heard about Women for Women International through my church. I was interested to join because I wanted to learn.” Faith chose knitting as her vocational skill because the costs are low to start, and there is always a demand for clothes so the business is sustainable. 

Your gift recipient will be able to exchange letters and photos with the sister they support. Photo credit: Monilekan
Your gift recipient will be able to exchange letters and photos with the sister they support. Photo credit: Monilekan

Before I joined the programme, I was selling rice. But I didn’t know how to calculate whether I was making a profit, or losing money. 

Faith proudly holding up a knitted school uniform jumper. Photo credit: Monilekan
Faith proudly holding up a knitted school uniform jumper. Photo credit: Monilekan

“With the stipend I received from Women for Women International, I invested in a knitting machine and wool.” Faith sells the clothes she knits to her neighbours, and at the market. She has also started to produce uniform jumpers for the local school.

“In the future, I want to expand my business. My dream would be to open a shop, where I can sell the clothes."

"Women for Women International has taught [me] how to record [my] finances, so now I know when my business is successful.”

Faith uses the profits from her business to pay school fees for her daughters, and to buy food for the family.

My hope for the future is to provide a good education for my daughters. I will also teach them how to knit, so they have a skill.

Stand with Her

Stand with a woman like Faith today and help her to learn the economic skills she needs to start a business, to save money, and to provide for her children. With your support, she can rebuild her life.