Our campaigns

Celebrate Women's History Month with #SheDares
Honour women who dare to make a difference with our #SheDares campaign.
Use the power of art to speak up about women’s rights, learn about experiences of women around the world, join events and more!
The challenges facing women are great, but our power is undeniable. When you use your own power, you can change anything. When we use our power together, we can change everything. Read the commitment and add your name to the pledge to commit to using your #PowerToChange.
About the global sisterhood
From women survivors of war, to our closest friends and family, the #SheInspiresMe campaign celebrates the vital contributions that all women make. Elevating women strengthens the social fabric of societies everywhere. If you believe this too, join the sisterhood today.
Who Inspires Us?
One of my friends told me about Women for Women International and how it provided training for women. That’s when I learned that I wasn’t alone in my suffering. There are other women, who have the same pain.
Joining the Women for Women International programme was the biggest change in my life. I found myself. I was convinced that I was alone, the only person who had experienced such difficulties.
I know that I should take courage because I survived a hard situation. Every day, I have to wake up and pray and say, thank you God, for I’m still alive. It was hard but now I’m here.
Our neighbour knocked at the door and asked ‘Why are you not escaping?’ She told us that they are kidnapping girls and killing men, so we decided to run away and not take anything with us.
I was alone and had to take care of the children who were all very young at the time. I couldn’t imagine them growing without their father around. He was the one who provided for them.