Women for Women International – UK’s response to UK aid cuts
Women for Women International – UK’s response to UK aid cuts
26th February, 2025
We are shocked and extremely concerned by the UK Government’s announcement to slash the aid budget by a further 40%. Gender inequality is a major driver of conflict. The timing couldn’t be worse, given the backdrop of global funding cuts, increased conflict and a rollback on women’s rights – a trend which has been explicitly acknowledged by the UK Government in its own policy documents. These cuts further demonstrate a prioritisation of militarisation over a genuine investment in long-term peace, security and gender equality.
From our global consultation, From Asking to Action, we know that current levels of aid and assistance are already failing to reach the most marginalised women in conflict affected contexts - only 25% of the women we consulted with across 14 conflicts reported having received some form of relief and recovery assistance. These women have been clear in their demands on the international community – 75% of them are calling for increased funding and resources, particularly for gender-sensitive aid. As the women we consulted with have recognised, when insecurity rises, the solution is not to invest further in militarised approaches at the expense of addressing its root causes.
“At this moment of major regression from funding commitments to gender inequality and conflict prevention, the UK Government had an opportunity to listen to women by demonstrating what bold action on sustained peace and security can look like. This latest decision sends a clear message to women’s rights organisations and feminist movements – the UK Government is rolling back its commitments to securing and upholding gender equality and peace in conflict affected contexts.”
Sara Bowcutt, Managing Director, Women for Women International - UK
For press enquiries please contact Deetza Elf at delf@womenforwomen.org.

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From Asking to Action
A global consultation ensuring the voices of women affected by conflict are heard
We spoke to over 6,500 women in countries affected by conflict who are leading change in their communities. Now it's time to ensure their priorities are amplified and actually heard by decision-makers.
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