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Women for Women International reacts to the 2024 UK General Election results

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Women for Women International reacts to the 2024 UK General Election results

friday, 5th july 2024.

Women for Women International has been long advocating for the needs and priorities of marginalised women in conflict-affected context to be integrated across UK Government policy and practice.

Over the last 14 years, we have seen funding for our programmes cut, and our community trust impacted by UK Government decisions such as the reduction of spending of Gross National Income on Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) from 0.7% to 0.5%. This has all happened against a backdrop of global challenges, all of which have disproportionately impacted women and girls - whether that’s the growing number of increasingly protracted conflicts, the concerning rollback on women’s rights, rising economic insecurity or the rapidly intensifying climate crisis.

Labour has expressed a strong commitment to rebuilding the UK Government’s reputation as a progressive global leader and partner that genuinely listens to women and puts their priorities at the heart of its approach. But there is a long way to go.

As a starting point, we urge the UK Government to accelerate the implementation of key government strategies such as the National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security and the International Women and Girls Strategy. To do this, Labour must take an integrated and holistic approach to conflict prevention and response; establish more meaningful and respectful partnerships with women’s rights organisations; and match rhetoric with action by putting their money where their mouth is.

At Women for Women International, we stand ready to work with the new UK Government to ensure that it centres the voices, experiences and power of women affected by conflict - within their own decision-making spaces, across Whitehall and beyond.