Jane Cordell
Jane Cordell
A musician and teacher, Jane supports disability equality and helps people to achieve their full potential.
Jane Cordell, one of the first women to go to Cambridge University from her comprehensive school, attended the third year that women were present at St John's College in its 500 year history. A musician and teacher, she became profoundly deaf in her mid-20s. She went on to become the first deaf woman diplomat, including leading a team on a posting to Poland. She experienced discrimination as a deaf woman but always used this positively in her career.
She is a Director of Result CIC which provides coaching and personal development training to people who are excluded due to disability. She has been cited twice as one of the UK's most influential disabled people.
I realised that as a lone deaf female, I had no chance of 'blending in' - so why not stand out? But when you choose to stand out, you have to be good at what you do.