World Food Day

Every year we celebrate the unifying power of food on World Food Day (16th October) with our #ServingUpSisterhood campaign. 

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World Food Day - Serving Up Sisterhood

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Serving Up Sisterhood

Bringing more to the table than food

World Food Day is celebrated every year on 16th October to promote global awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and to highlight the need to ensure healthy diets for all.

At Women for Women International, we celebrate the day with our #ServingUpSisterhood campaign.

As the impacts of war are being felt worldwide, people in the countries we work in struggle to access food for themselves and their families.


80%  of people in Afghanistan are in debt because they have had to borrow money to pay for food

(Source: NPR)

2x The cost of food in Iraq has doubled after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

7.2 million people in South Sudan are estimated to face acute food shortages this year

 (Source: UN)

How our programme helps tackle food insecurity and poor nutrition

Taking care of women's health and wellbeing

For £22 you can help a woman build a brighter future for herself and her family.

Health and nutrition are a key part of the Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme. Participants learn about ways to introduce a more balanced diet into their homes. Many of the women we work with set up small food businesses, from beekeeping to jam cooperatives. This allows them to support themselves and their families financially. 

I am glad I learned about nutrition so I can prepare better food. I also started a kitchen garden where I’ve planted spinach because I learned it is good for my children.

Donata, Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme graduate, Rwanda
Download our Share Dinner Toolkit and host a dinner party to raise the £264 that will support a sister on our year-long Stronger Women, Stronger Nations Programme.
Download our Share Dinner Toolkit and host a dinner party to raise the £264 that will support a sister on our year-long Stronger Women, Stronger Nations Programme.

Download the Share event Toolkit

Bring your community together

Host a dinner party with your friends to raise the £264 that will support a sister on our year-long Stronger Women, Stronger Nations Programme. Sign up to download our toolkit which gives you the materials, ideas, and recipes to make your dinner party a real success with your friends.

Stand With Her

Taking care of women's health and wellbeing

Thanks to your generous commitment, your sister will find the support, solidarity and practical tools to help her reclaim her power. She will learn to save money, build a business, understand her rights and improve her health. She will pass on this knowledge to her family and community – sharing her power to create a world that is more equal, peaceful, and prosperous for everyone.

Learn more about food insecurity

As millions in Ukraine are forced to flee their homes, we must not forget about people in countries such as Afghanistan, South Sudan and Iraq who are also dealing with the effects of the war. Read about how the war in Ukraine is contributing to global hunger and leaving millions on the brink of starvation. 
