Sponsor A Sister

“I live in a society which is very closed-minded. Women who don’t have a chance to be educated are only cooking and cleaning in their houses. The programme has taught me my value and my self-confidence has increased. Now I believe I can change my life for the better. My heart and prayers are with my sponsor sister.”

Nazira, Stronger Women, Stronger Nations programme participant - Iraq

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Sponsor now MessageToMySister

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How it works

Your monthly gift of £22 will help your sister learn skills that can change her life


We hope to be able to match you with your new sister in 4-6 weeks. However, this may take slightly longer due to the changing COVID-19 health situation and local restrictions. We will let you know as soon as you are matched, at which point you will be able to access our supporter area to view your sister’s details.

Quarterly Updates

As soon as we can safely reopen our office, we will send you a welcome pack, containing information about your sister and the country she is from. As your sister proceeds through the training programme, we will also send you quarterly updates via email about her progress and what she has been learning.

Letter Writing

Form a friendship that transcends continents by writing messages of support and encouragement to your sister via your online supporter area. The women we serve deeply value this connection and treasure these words – for some, these messages can be an emotional lifeline.

Sponsorship Form

Choose how many sisters you want to sponsor

per sponsorship(s) billed per month



letters were shared between sponsors and their sisters last year