Women for Women International - Rwanda programme
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Thank You For Subscribing To Our Newsletter

Thank you for subscribing to the Women for Women International newsletter.

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  • Follow @womenforwomenuk on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. On our channels, you will hear the stories of the women we serve told in their own words. Use the power of your platform to share their stories and help us elevate the voices of women survivors of war. 

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I know that I should take courage because I survived a hard situation. Every day, I have to wake up and pray and say, thank you God, for I’m still alive. It was hard but now I’m here.



I will continue mobilising other women in the community in utilising the lessons I have learned, and I hope many more of them will be part of the training.



I was alone and had to take care of the children who were all very young at the time. I couldn’t imagine them growing without their father around. He was the one who provided for them.