DFID Global Poverty Impact Grant - Nigeria
working with the UK Government
Improving Livelihoods and Rights Awareness for Socially-Excluded Nigerian Women through Vocational Training and Men's Engagement
In late 2016, the Centre for Women's Health and Information conducted an independent final evaluation of the grant in Nigeria, funded by UK aid from the UK government. The purpose of the evaluation was to verify Women for Women International’s reporting and assess the value for money of the intervention.
The project succeeded in putting women at the centre of the intervention and built their capacity for improved livelihoods as well as created an enabling environment for them to be involved in decision making.
Engaging male leaders with women's rights in Nigeria
As part of the project in Nigeria, UK aid from the UK government allowed us to innovate and advance our activities, by conducting a rigorous assessment of the impact of our work with men in Enugu.
The training included traditional community leaders, religious leaders, police representatives, legal professionals and youth leaders. Throughout the two and a half day workshop, male leaders learnt about a range of topics including: rights and resources, violence against women, division of labour, women in leadership positions, and family health and education. Sessions were led by local subject matter experts, including lawyers and doctors.
The level of commitment shown by the workshop participants was very encouraging. The workshop facilitators ensured everyone was involved in the sessions, and felt confident to participate. At the end, each participant was awarded a certificate of participation, amongst much excitement, and committed to sharing what they had learnt with at least ten other men in their community. This ripple effect will ensure that the important message of women’s rights are spread to many more men.