DFID Global Poverty Impact Grant - DRC
Land Rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Addressing issues affecting women’s access to land in South Kivu through the generous support of UK aid from the UK government
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), women in rural areas contribute 50% to the agricultural economy and ensure 75% of production in the subsistence economy. However, a recent piece of research commissioned by Women for Women International and funded by the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) - now called the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) as of 2 September 2020 - shows that they are far from achieving equal land rights.
As part of our DFID-funded project in the DRC, we conducted a participatory research and film project to investigate the issues affecting women’s access to land in South Kivu.
After years of bitter conflict, land ownership is a key source of tension in the DRC. Land that was previously communal has been sold off to wealthy elites, depriving farmers of access to their fields. Chronic lack of investment in agriculture and rural infrastructure has created an agrarian crisis, leaving adequate farming resources and fertile land scarce. Mining and timber exploitation has disempowered rural populations. In this context, it is women that are at the greatest disadvantage. Though expected to cover most of the costs of family life and education, they are often restricted to selling lower value produce by men and have little access to farming resources, training and markets.
The woman is seen only as a producer or a worker for the family. The whole weight of the family hangs over her…the woman is a tractor.
The situation is compounded by the widespread social prejudice and discriminatory legalisation that women face, further preventing them from gaining equal access to land.
While the Congolese constitution enshrines equal land ownership for all, both formal and customary law discriminate against women. Under formal law, a woman can only purchase land with the permission of her husband, while customary law prevents women from purchasing, inheriting or selling land. If women do manage to inherit land, they often do not formally hold the land title. The land registration process is long, expensive and rife with corruption.
There is not one single woman who can have her own field here. If she dares to buy one, the vendor asks for the name of her husband so that it can be registered in his name.
It is clear that improving women’s access to land not only enables them to substantially increase their own income and gain independence, but also improves the lives of whole families and communities.
Since 2004, we have worked with over 91,000 women in the DRC and have seen what a difference supporting women can make. As a result of our programme, women’s average daily income increases from $0.74 at enrolment to $1.22 at graduation. Moreover, 85% report educating other women on their rights, compared to just 9% at enrolment.
Yet, until women gain equal access to the land that they work on, significant barriers to gender equality remain.
Read the final external evaluation or a summary of the report.