Thank you for joining the global sisterhood
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Thank You For Joining The Global Sisterhood

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Thank you for Joining the Global Sisterhood

As part of the sisterhood you will receive:

  •  Regular doses of inspiration from us
  • Exclusive invitations to Women for Women International events
  • Opportunities to meet, network, debate and discuss issues that affect you and other women globally
  • Find out more about who inspires us, or read the latest news from the #SheInspiresMe campaign.

About the #SheInspiresMe campaign

With over twenty brutal armed conflicts across the globe and unprecedented levels of violence against women, there’s never been a greater need for our work.

So we’ve launched the #SheInspiresMe campaign because there’s an urgent need for more funding to give women who’ve suffered the trauma of war the practical skills and knowledge they need to rebuild their lives, and inspire brighter futures for themselves and their families.

From women survivors of war to our closest friends and family, #SheInspiresMe celebrates the vital contributions that all women make – not just because women's voices and achievements are so often unheard and overlooked – but because elevating women strengthens the social fabric of societies everywhere. Ultimately stronger women build stronger nations.

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Our neighbour knocked at the door and asked ‘Why are you not escaping?’ She told us that they are kidnapping girls and killing men, so we decided to run away and not take anything with us.



During the sessions on decision-making and women’s rights, my eyes were opened. It made me appreciate myself more as a human being.



Joining the Women for Women International programme was the biggest change in my life. I found myself. I was convinced that I was alone, the only person who had experienced such difficulties.