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Tips for applying for jobs in the Charity Sector

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Tips for applying for jobs in the charity sector

Applying for jobs in the charity sector can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice. Whether you're drawn by a deep-seated passion for a cause, or you're looking to leverage your skills to make a meaningful impact, there are key steps and insights that can help you navigate this unique job market effectively.

Below some of our team share their top tips for applying for a job and making your application stand out. 

Sara Bowcutt

Managing Director

Carrie Brownlee

Managing Director

Zoë Elliott

Head of Special Events & Philanthropy

I always think it’s good to go along to events run by the organisation whilst considering/applying for a role. It gives a good sense of the spirit of the charity and would definitely win me over as a recruiter!

Laurence Greening

Head of Marketing

One of the best things I did when starting out was getting some charity volunteering and temping experience. This looks great on your CV, showing you have some knowledge of how charities work from the inside and also shows your passion and drive to build your career in the charity sector.

Importantly, what it also gave me personally was a better understanding of the different types, sizes and roles within charities, helping to clarify where I wanted to progress my career. Most charities, big and small, will require volunteers at various points, so don’t be afraid to get in touch and add your name to their volunteers list. Also, there are lots of great charity-specific recruitment and temping agencies, through whom you can work short term contracts helping you gain a wide range of experience across different roles and charities in a relatively short period, importantly while still being paid. 

Elisabeth Phillips

Director of Global Corporate Fundraising

Say why – Always start with why you care about the organidation's mission. You don’t need lived experience of a cause to understand and be passionate about it, but you should talk about why you care and how it would motivate you.

Give examples – Mention specific projects you have worked on that generated income. It helps, but it doesn’t have to be a charity fundraising example. We are interested in your flair to spot an opportunity, understanding of how to generate funds, and follow a project through to achieve an end result.

Include numbers – I see many applications for fundraising positions that don’t include figures so this can help you stand out. Big or small, numbers bring your examples to life and demonstrate you understand financial goals. For more senior positions it’s important to talk about the return on investment (ROI) of fundraising initiatives. 

Paulina Stachnik

Head of Communications

To boost your application, make sure you’re keeping up with the charity’s online presence. Regularly check their website, follow them on social media and join their mailing list. This way, you’ll stay updated on their latest campaigns, volunteer opportunities and job openings.

Go a step further by diving into the content on their website, like annual reports and impact statistics and speak to specific pieces of content that resonated with you. Mentioning these details in your application shows you’ve done your homework and really care about the cause. This kind of effort can show you're curious and committed helping you stand out from the crowd.

To help you prepare for your Women for Women International interview, we've put together some top tips and I wrote a piece for Refinery29 about working in the charity sector if you would like to have a read

Beverley Stewart

Head of People, Capability, Culture & Operations

Selina Uddin

Head of Finance

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