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Virtual Car Boot Sale COVID-19 Statement

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Virtual Car Boot Sale

In the planning of the Virtual Car Boot Sale, Women for Women International has taken on board UK government and NHS advice, to mitigate against any risks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The safety and well-being of our community, employees and supporters is paramount.

Women for Women International will arrange a door-to-door, no-contact courier service for the collection and delivery of all items sold through the Virtual Car Boot Sale, ensuring that both sellers and buyers can participate in the campaign from the comfort and safety of their homes, abiding by social distancing measures.

You can find the latest information on COVID-19 on the following websites:

UK government guidance

NHS Guidance

More UK government Guidance

Please find Women for Women International’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic here. We are continuously updating this statement.


Is it safe for me to participate in the Women for Women International Virtual Car Boot Sale?

Yes. You can participate in the campaign entirely from the comfort and safety of your home, within UK Government social distancing guidelines. Women for Women International will arrange a door-to-door, no-contact courier service for the collection and delivery of all items sold via DHL. Please see below for the steps DHL are taking to protect staff and customers from COVID-19.

Is it safe for people to shop via the Women for Women International Virtual Car Boot Sale?

Yes, it is safe to shop via the Virtual Car Boot Sale. The World Health Organisation advises that the likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low. The risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also very low. The WHO is regularly updating with new information on advice as new developments arise. To stay informed on COVID-19 and to read their full FAQ, please visit the World Health Organization

What should I do to safely prepare the items that I am selling?

All items must be cleaned/washed according to the manufacturer’s instructions before being sent to the buyer. Before and after handling your items please ensure that you wash your hands for 20 seconds, as well as following the hygiene and wellbeing advice in the NHS guidelines. If available, please use gloves to package items. Where possible, please quarantine items for 7 days prior to posting them to the buyer. If you, or a person in your household, displays COVID-19 symptoms please notify Zoë

What steps have your chosen courier company, DHL, taken in response to COVID-19?

Against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 outbreak, DHL are continuously adapting their business to mitigate potential impacts. Please find key parts of their COVID-19 statement below, and a link to their full statement and policies here at a group level and here for the UK specifically.

As a globally operating company, epidemic and pandemic risk scenarios are an integral part of DHL’s continuous risk planning.

The safety of employees and customers is paramount to DHL. In order to closely monitor and manage the Coronavirus outbreak, a Deutsche Post DHL Group Coronavirus task force has been established, led by the Group’s CEO. The Group’s task force also coordinates with international organizations (such as the WHO, CDC, ECDC and Robert Koch Institute) and provides the necessary information to all employees and relevant operations.

DHL have introduced several measures at a local level to safeguard our employees against infection. Hand and scanner sanitisation is being performed as often as necessary. If local health authorities or local DHL management have instructed the use of masks and/or gloves, then they will be used as instructed. DHL are also advising couriers who share vehicles that keys, locks and vehicle controls that are touched by hand also be sanitized.

According to the WHO and the Robert Koch Institute, there is no conclusive evidence that an infection with any type of coronavirus is possible through contact with objects or packages, including those arriving from areas where cases have been reported. In addition, DHL are encouraging our workers and couriers to sanitize regularly and after each customer contact.