Letters of hope
years ago in war-torn Bosnia, Women for Women International was set up to provide services and solidarity to women who had experienced the very worst of humanity
letters have been exchanged between programme participants and Women for Women International supporters around the world since 1993
I was very happy to receive a letter...I want to tell her, 'Thank you so much for supporting me. I want to help others in the future, the way you have helped me.'
Twenty-five years ago in war-torn Bosnia, Women for Women International was set up to provide services and solidarity to women who had experienced the very worst of humanity. We have now gone on to serve hundreds of thousands of marginalised and socially excluded women survivors of war. We are proud to provide them with the tools to help them choose their own future and rebuild their lives.
If we get such love from strangers, who are we not to love ourselves and not to love our neighbours.
The impact of your support
Our impact
We bring women together in a safe space to learn life, business, and vocational skills. Read more about our impact and the women we serve.
One of my friends told me about Women for Women International and how it provided training for women. That’s when I learned that I wasn’t alone in my suffering. There are other women, who have the same pain.