How you can take action for women in Afghanistan
How you can take action for women in Afghanistan today
Women in Afghanistan are facing violence and uncertainty. Whatever happens in the coming days, we hold true to the idea that women can and should help shape the future of Afghanistan. Our international community of supporters matters now more than ever.
We've put together a list of actions you can take today to show your support. Every action, no matter how small, can help make a difference.

Donate to the Emergency Appeal for women in Afghanistan
Donate to help our team find practical, safe solutions so that we can continue to operate and make a positive difference for the people of Afghanistan who have already suffered far too much and who deserve peace and prosperity.

Share our letter calling on the UK government to take action
We call on Boris Johnson and the UK Government to immediately assist Afghan women leaders, activists and negotiators who are now at imminent risk.
Please read and share our letter.

Contact your local MP
Reach out to your local MP, share the demands outlined in our letter and request that Afghan women leaders, activists and negotiators are not abandoned.

Sign the petition to show you stand with Afghan women and girls
Protect the freedom and safety of Afghan women and girls.
Sign and share this petition to show the UK government you stand with Afghan women and girls.

Support UNHCR call to keep borders open to Afghans seeking Asylum
UNHCR is calling on countries neighbouring Afghanistan to keep their borders open in light of the intensifying crisis in Afghanistan.
An inability to seek safety may risk innumerable civilian lives. UNHCR stands ready to help national authorities scale up humanitarian responses as needed.